Men’s health is at stake with all these unending demands and too much pressure from social media. Demands have changed as a result of the exaggerated expectations from individuals who are dating. The married are not exempt from this because people frequently post about fictitious marriages that they are not even in. At mental balance magazine this year we have decide to celebrate the national men’s health week in a bit different way.
Yes! You read well as whenever people think of health, physical health comes to mind first. It is not bad to think that way but, here is a new version of brain update, an addition to your software that there is mental health to worry about as well. This type of health is the most worrisome health everyone should be terrified of. Imagine working up one day not remembering anything, or your brain switches and you no longer doing things consciously and start talking or walking anyhow none stop.
This health we are celebrating is the health of engine of human being and this week it is time to celebrate it with all the men out there. Happy Men’s Health Week to all the men out there.
Have you ever noticed the noise female celebration days get than the men, it always leaves me wondering whom will be making that noise because it is not always the same when it comes to men, maybe that’s a story for another day. Hence the man is always labeled people who bottle things and not talk. A lot of things come to mind when we start talking of men bottling up things, remember and always remember man are designed in a way of being problem solvers.
Yes, they are problem solvers in every household, though at times it looks like they will not be doing anything, trust me they will be working overtime in their mind trying to think the best possible solutions. They carry every person’s burden, yet they may be caught up in it and become too busy drowning in your issues trying to fix them and never notice that their mental health is deteriorating until it is too late.
Why can’t we carry the cross for everyone and be family’s keeper just as men do. They at times put up everyone else first before them and never complain on it. Big up to you men and continue to be heroes of your loved ones. It’s those simple things that matter, remind him that he needs a break, he needs to go for checkup at hospital the same way he takes his car for service, will go a long way. Even planning a holiday for him will go a long way too.
A lot of articles you would see will be labeling men as people who don’t think about their health and it’s a lie men do. Coming back to the issue of speaking up about your issues, as much as people say that they are ready and available to listen are they also available to carry everyone in the family’s burden? This is because the moment we start sharing the load of the family it will be easier for men and they worry less and have a lot of happiness hence more life.
Furthermore, men appreciate doers than people who just talk, so as much as you love those males in your life be there for them by doing your part and cheering enough when its time because the world, we are living now have forgotten them. The demands of this world of course won’t give you a rest but we should be brother’s keepers. It’s an encouragement going to everyone out there, that, each of us should do our part so that we lessen the burden from men as statistics shows that most man are dying early leaving their families and most of the time because of over working (overload).
There are a lot of expectations surrounding the boy child especially these days with social media. I would like to think that before influence of social media people were better in everything not taking away the good side of it. Men are experiencing too much pressure, seeing that there is someone posting picture portraying a fake life which is what they are not. This is coming from left, right and center, as the expectation has been inflated, from those whom are dating, the demands have become something else, the married are not spared as people are always posting about their imaginary marriages which they are not even in.
More so, bachelors are not spared and some of them are even scared to be involved as the pace of life looks too fast than they can afford, but we can all do better if we stay true to ourselves. My advice to you men is chin up, chest out and stomach in and walk with pride, staying in your lane, focus on what you are doing and never allow unnecessary imaginary pressure get to you but always pursue success. Social media is entertainment and fiction most of the posted items are not even true.
I could not finish this article without talking about the need to be surrounded by people who love and motivate you to do the best, that’s the best recipe for success. Chose happiness always and the moment you surround yourself with people whom loves you, they easily become your keepers and quick to notice when things are not going well. I know someone out there have been dying to hear this. Always keep your insurances up to date and make use of that money. Visit the hospital always when you can for checkups and normalize even walking into those men’s hospitals to be checked for cancer and any other anomalies that can arise.
Yes, because cancer, high blood pressure and depression is real and have been stealing from us for some time and its high time we take a stance and get checked regularly. It will not make much sense that you spent all of your time working that hard for your family and die young or without seeing them grow. Let’s normalize it, walk into that hospital talk to a professional and with the way things have been going on its now difficult to meet a person who does not have anything to complain about.
The pandemic has caused unbelievable chaos and it’s time to rebuild and that can only be successful when you are fit. Understand this am not saying stop hustling, but manage your time better and know when it’s time to go to the garage for service. Even a car if you continuously drove it without servicing it will start having problems. Happy Men’s Health week.