I have met a lot of people along my professional journey who complain about where their lives are at or where they are headed.For some, they are not even aware of how they got to where they are now or what might be in store for them years down the road. I have seen people suck at jobs they hate with all they have got but remain stuck, with no vision or plan for where they are headed.
This phenomenon is not uncommon. And in fact, I have found myself stuck at certain stages of my life when I felt like I never knew what ‘tomorrow’ held for me. But, all that has changed. Because not only do I know where I am headed with my life, but I also know what to do in order to get there.
Fine, I may not exactly have all the fine details in place. But, at least, I know what the big picture looks like. And I am constantly doing all with the resources I have available to me, to get to my desired destination someday. And that by the way, is very close.
So, even if I may not have started out planning my life to live it as I choose, I think I am right back on track now.
And you should too.
You should be able to plan out your life for the next 10, 20, or 30 years. Or as long as you may want it to be and live it on your own terms. Not that of others.
And here is how.
Effectively planning your life and beginning the journey to live it as you choose begins with discovering who you are, your interests, values, and passion.
People frequently say, “life is too short, so make the most of it while you can.”
But, I am not exactly a huge fan of that phrase.

Instead, I would rather say, “life is a gift that is meant to be enjoyed. But, you cannot even enjoy a gift if you do not know what that gift is supposed to be used for.”
So, that is why you must learn to understand who you are, and what makes your heart tick. What are you passionate about? And what are you willing to give up to live out your passion?
Understanding yourself as well as your priorities are the first steps necessary to plan out your life.
For me, I know that I want to become a positive influencer. I want to let people know that they do not have to go through their lives wishing they had another person’s life.
I want to empower people with the tools, resources (including my time and money) and information they need to know that they can live their lives to the fullest of their God-given potentials.
And so, in response to that, I have been involved with several continuous improvement activities both professionally and entrepreneurially. I am trying to lay hold on as much information as I can get to make my plans work.
Therefore, in all the jobs I have held (regardless of whether they sucked or not), I have continued to observe, learn and grow in my people, business, communication and organizational skills.
Yes, I may not exactly be where I want to be right now, but I am making every moment count.
Therefore, irrespective of where you are right now, living your life on your terms begins with knowing who or what you are and having a vision of where you are headed.
That way, when you face adversity, disappointments, or frustrations along the way, you would regard them as all the processes that are leading you to your desired destination.
Thus, when you get derided by a mean boss, you would use the experience to learn to respond better to people in unpleasant situations.
When your paycheck is reduced or cannot pay the bills sufficiently, you would use that experience to learn how to draw up better budgets and manage projects more frugally.
I am definitely on a journey towards living the life of my dreams because I can see the bigger picture.
And I know you can too. But, you have to become better at learning, observing the things that are most important, embracing challenges and remaining focused on the end game.
Because greatness lies in you! Embrace it!!!
All the best,
On the road, I get out of my comfort zone and meet people I’d never encounter at home. In Europe, I’m immersed in a place where people do things — and see things — differently. That’s what distinguishes cultures, and it’s what makes travel exhilarating. By being open to differences and staying flexible, I have a better time in Europe — and so will you. Be mentally braced for some surprises, good and bad. Much of the success of your trip will depend on the attitude you pack.
This has been a rollercoaster of a year (thus far), and the end is not quite yet in sight. Although challenging and emotionally exhausting, 2020, has provided me with ample opportunities for some self-reflection. So much so, I believe my personal journey has taken on a radically different direction than what would have been the case pre-covid19.
I’ve learnt a little more about myself and “life” this year. Whilst I ramble quite frequently about the importance of being present, taking in the moments and enjoying the journey – here are three things the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted for me.
Make the most of your journey (Image credit: Canva.com)
The importance of right here, right now.
We’re inclined to dwell in the past or thirst for the future. Unable to let go and move on from the past, either hanging onto fond memories that once were, or allowing the negativity of yesterday to define who we are today. And if we’re not living in the past, we’re consumed by the future – chasing the need or desire to climb the next mountain, take the next accolade.
So much so we forget about today, not being fully present in the here and now.
For me, covid19 has put this in perspective. It didn’t matter what plans or dreams I had for the future, life as we know it was put on hold this year. It has been challenging to focus on anything other than today. We’ve literally had to take it one day at a time. And what a blessing this has been! Every day matters.
Losing sight of oneself
I’ve also come to realise that I was so busy raising my children and building a business that I lost sight of myself and my goals. I can rattle off my aspirations as my 25-year-old self, but don’t ask me what my five-year plan looks like today.
I’ve discovered that you should be more mindful of your goals, dreams and values. Make sure you are still chasing what is essential to you, that you don’t misplace yourself whilst caring for and nurturing those around you. You might wake-up in the middle of a global pandemic, wondering why you’ve stopped investing time and energy into things that feed your soul and make you happy.
Unsettled is okay
As humans, we’re naturally inclined to dislike change, we’ve been built to seek out the known and the comfortable. Change means something new and novel and stirs up feelings of anxiety and frustration in most of us. I’ve had to deal with these uncomfortable emotions repeatedly during 2020. It has left me feeling “out of sorts”, unsettled and frustrated.
Unfortunately, you can’t simply be rid of these feelings. Sure, you can bury them away, but they will resurface, they can’t stay buried forever. I’ve learned to take these feelings in stride, to work through them and try to understand their source.
Living in the moment, but also taking some time out for myself and reflecting on what I’d like my life to look like in the next 5 and 10 years, has helped me realise that I’ve outgrown my dreams and aspirations. Change is on the cards, although I don’t know what that change should or will look like.
It is okay not to know and to feel unsettled; rest assured that these feelings are only temporary.